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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gaming Vs. Priority

One of my friends from our local game store here in Forest City usually posts up pretty cool things on her blog page. She uses a different lay out with Word Press, where as I am more prone to use Blogger as my main blogging source because I am more adapt to it. Sometimes, she will post some religious things and other times, she will post about her gaming days at the store. As it happens to be, I actually have a story to post today myself, after putting this nice little music maker on this post, courtesy of my friend Robin.

Well, let's see..My Birthday is this Sunday and I and my husband will be going to Marion to see my family, first to church and then, hopefully, we will get to go across the mountains ( Avery, Mitchell and Yancy Counties in Western NC and Tennessee). My husband Drew has never been across the mountains and I wanted to show him the places where I grew up. Mind, I've always lived in McDowell County, and before I met him, lived in the same house/ neighborhood until I was 26 years old. I would go across the mountains in almost every season to go visit relatives and go to little thrift stores along the way in Spruce Pine and near Banner Elk. My grandmother lived in a little community named North Cove until she couldn't take care of herself any longer. We didn't put her in a rest home mind you, but we did put her in a little apartment complex close to town where a lot of other elderly people lived, sort of a retirement community. This weekend, I am hoping to be able to share these sites with my husband in hopes that he can get a feel of how important these hillsides are to me in the sense of a home away from home. 
   The gaming aspect of this story is that he would rather stay home playing his video games that out on the road having to travel at all. You may begin to ask "Why are you making him go with you?" or the latter "He really should pay more attention to being with you than in his video games." and this is the reasoning...This Sunday is my 30th birthday. I want to be able to share this milestone with my husband. Before we even started discussing what would be happening this weekend, he was given a few choices. One of the choices given was that the game store owner had invited him to go to a sort of comic con convention. When I found out, I had called my parents to tell them we could not make it on Sunday. He told me to call them back all because he "heard the disappointment in my father's voice". So I called back, asking if he was positively sure he didn't want to go with him instead, and he said "I am sure!". Next thing I know, the store owners wife keeps calling him and begging for him to go with her husband to the convention. He starts making a few suggestions to the point of wanting to go to the convention and leaving me with my parents during the weekend. I find this to be horrible because I don't want to spend a whole weekend with my family and him just go off to a convention leaving me there. The difference is, I can't get along with my family for that long. They can drive me crazy just after 1 day. 
   I think one of the worst suggestions I have heard from him yet, that made me angrier than a hornet was "Why don't I just leave you at your parents house for the weekend, and I stay home playing video games?" I almost felt like throwing dishes at him by this point because it was a big deal to me. He'd rather stay home in his games than be with me sharing something precious that means everything to me, mostly my culture and my roots. He'd rather spend his thoughts in a video game! That drew my last straw to the point of me saying "Go! Get Out!". Because I didn't want him in my sight after he'd said all this to me. I got to the point where I was basically about to cuss him out and just say F it all... not to the point of ending my marriage, but just calling and  canceling the plans all together. "Why not do that?".. Because, I had also scheduled for that Sunday to sing for my church. That was the main reason for going to Marion to begin with. Not in reasons of "showing off", but to keep my promise to be attentive, and not fall back just because my husband is in gaming mode. It was also an opportunity to spend a whole evening with my husband, friends and family on my birthday, sharing 30 years of life. If that isn't reason enough, then I don't know what is. Finally, he agreed he would go with me, though, it seemed more like an "I'm forcing you to go!" moment to me than a retaliation moment where he realized that it was important to me that he went. I guess by Sunday, I will have my answer. I am just hoping he can see the bigger picture until then.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011 Weekend

Ok, so I admitt I am not much of a journalist when it comes to keeping up with blog pages, yet, will find myself to write in at any possible moment I can. Last week was a bit hectic with lots of errends to run, and keeping up with scheduled time. The tiredest day I had came on Sunday afternoon. It was Easter holiday, and Drew and I had went to visit my parents and family. All was well, we got up around 8:45am, headed on to McDowell County, and met my parents in the Freewill Baptist Church. The sad news of this was it was one of our pastors last days of preaching. He had resigned 2 weeks earlier for unknown reasons.

   After services were over, we headed to my parents house. I had brought a nice white cake with buttercreame frosting with a flower design. We put it in the refridgerator and headed on out to Kentucky Fried Chicken. My dad had pulled one over on us and bought our whole meal, something for which we are very thankful to him for. After KFC, we went back to their house, and sat and talked awhile. Nothing really too important to decuss, other than the weather and how we were all getting along in our lives. I had also went next door to see my eldest sister Elizabeth and her family, who had company. They had been remodeling their home and one of my little nieces was rearranging her room, so I helped her out. The most tiring part of my visit was sitting in the dinning room, watching my mom go through scrapbook websites. After a while, I couldn't stand anymore, and went outside to go find Drew and my Dad, who were next door on another set of property they own, sitting on his mobile home back porch he had built last summer. After about what seemed 4 hours, Drew and I finally left for home, leaving my parents the cake to take on a picnic they would be attending later on that evening. A very good, yet tiring visit.

   Today, I seem to be even more tired than usual, yet know, I must get some house chores done this week. Drew is at his favorite game store and will be hopefully getting a phone call sometime this week about a job for the county school system. Also, this week, we are looking to go to his father's house in Lenoir for a family reunion. I did not get to attend last year, so this will be a new experience for me going in, considering I haven't met most of his father's side of the family yet.
  I have talked Drew into attending my family reunions come this Fall. He has never been to places like Avery, Mitchell or Yancy Counties. I had grew up in the Western North Carolina Mountains, and my father's and mother's families mostly live up there. It will be a nice treat to be able to wonder through the country side and hills once again as I once ventured as a young girl.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Planting Your First Vegetable Garden

Planting Your First Vegetable Garden
I really found this to be a very useful piece.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chicken Soup Casserole & Strawberry Muffins

This evening, I decided I would fix supper at home, even though Drew had offered to take me out to supper tonight. I thought it would be a nice change since we go out 2-3 times during the week, and when we do eat at home, it's usually a fast cooked meal in the microwave or bowl of cereal. When I came upstairs, Drew and his sister Kim were working on homework assignment, so I got started on preparing the meal at hand. Tonight I would fix a chicken soup casserole and strawberry muffins. The things you will need to prepare for the chicken soup casserole are as follows:

1 can of vegetable oil cooking spray
1 deep oven pan \_____/
1 semi-deep frying pan
4 chicken breasts
2 cans cream of chicken soup & 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup ( can be large or small depending on how much casa role you are wanting to fix)
Aluminum foil ( to fit ontop your oven pan)
1 baking sheet
preheat oven to 450 degrees and turn stovetop on to medium high

   I started by taking a large frying pan, spraying vegetable oil into the pan. Usually when we shop for chicken, we buy a big packet of boneless chicken breast. Out of this packet I chose 2 large and 2 small boneless chicken breast and put them into the frying pan. Putting the heat on medium high to high, grill the chicken on both sides till white all the way through. After this, turn your stovetop off and take your chicken out with kitchen thongs and place them onto a cutting board. With a huge cutting knife and a fork to hold the chicken into place, cut the chicken to start in long lines, then chop into simi-small squares. In a deep oven safe pan, place the chicken squares, aligning along the whole bottom of the pan evenly.
   After this, open 2 cans of cream of chicken and 2 can of cream of mushroom soups. pour these evenly upon the chicken squares in your deep oven safe pan until all the chicken is completely covered. Mix in the soups evenly, and take aluminum foil and cover the top of your pan completely. Place the oven pan onto a baking sheet and when the oven is pre-heated, slide the baking sheet with oven safe pan on top into oven. If have an oven timer, set for 1 hour or 60 minutes. When finished, you'll have a nice warm dish of chicken soup casserole.

By the time I had finished this dish, Drew and the rest of the family were away from the house. Drew's mom and step-dad were gone grocery shopping at Wal-mart, Kim had returned home and Drew had went to work  mowing the yard for our store owner friend. I decided to fix the strawberry muffins, and afterward sent Drew this picture below with a message...

" When you get home, this will be waiting for you <3"...=)   The cooking may take some time, but in the end, you'll come to enjoy the outcome of your own creation.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blogging is like a walk at the duck pond.

So, this is my first blog post in a really long time, and I am a bit excited for it. I have seen a lot of things that I have wanted to write about and even video's online that I have wanted to share with many of my friends and now this gives me the chance to really come out and do that. When I was in High School, I wanted to become a journalist. I would express my writings in many ways, including music lyrics and even letters to express myself openly. I am a random sort of person, someone who is very eager to share what interests I have and  sometimes just rabble on typing what I feel or think. I am hoping that I will be able to keep in track with this blog as the days go by. A few things I would also like to do in my spare time would be to get some input from fellow readers, and share photos and stories along the way. 

  As the title above says, blogging is like a walk at the duck pond. Where I live, we have a duck pond. My husband Drew and I love going to it on warm days to look across the pond, watching as the ducks play with one another, or many follow us around. They are so use to the people within the community, many expecting to be fed. I will admit that we are guilty of trying to spoil them by feeding them puppy kibble. The ducks absolutely love it too death, along with some bread or corn.

The day Drew and I were here, which was last week, I found this beautiful tree. It reminded me of a Cherry Blossom tree, so I picked a little root off of it in hopes to be able to sometime later within the year, after drying it out, get the seeds and replanting them in our back yard to bring life to it. I would also like to be able to start planting a garden this spring and with the help of Drew and my dad, get materials together to build an archway with a walkway with flowers on each side, making a walking path. 
Well, in the coming days, I will look forward to putting up more ideas. In the mean time, also check out my freebies blogger page "Reflections: A New Road". =)